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Data Security and Privacy Statement


This is a data security and privacy statement for the Time Tracking & Estimation Report Dashboard Gadget for Jira app.

App Architecture

The app works on the client side only. All required raw data is fetched using Atlassian APIs on your client (browser) and then processed to be displayed without sending it to any servers on the same client (browser). Any settings and configuration required for the app to work are saved with your Jira instance.


We do not collect any personal data from your use of our plugin. Additional information we receive is usage statistics and licensing information through Atlassian's marketplace API.

Data collected from your use of our Server/Data Center Apps

No data is collected and/or sent to any servers. Your data does not leave your own servers under any circumstances.

Cloud Apps

Permissions Scope

Our plugin requires read permission to be able to read your issues. We also need write permission to write user settings.

Data Storage/Data Retention

No personally identifiable data are stored on our servers. The app runs completely client-side only. Configuration is stored in Atlassian servers.


Our servers are hosted on Google's cloud platform (Firebase) and are only hosted on nodes that operate within the United States.


We may retain server logs which include the anonymized IP addresses of every request to our server.

We make use of to collect any javascript errors in the browser.


All app code is served to you from our servers, using SSL. If you have found a security vulnerability, please email us at immediately.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.