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Tracking Work Completed/Progress by Assignee Based on Time Tracking and Estimation Accuracy in Jira

Accurately tracking the progress of work completed by assignees, based on time tracking and estimation accuracy, is a critical aspect of project management in Jira. While Jira offers basic time tracking capabilities, advanced tracking and analysis of work progress and estimation accuracy can be challenging. This article explores how to effectively track these metrics in Jira, particularly focusing on the "Time Tracking and Estimation Report" gadget provided by the "Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira" app available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Jira's Native Time Tracking Features

Jira allows users to log time against issues, which can be used to track the progress of work. However, its native capabilities for aggregating this data at the assignee or project level and comparing it against estimations are somewhat limited. Jira’s default setup offers the ability to:

  1. Log Work: Users can log the time they spend on each issue.

  2. Set Estimates: Estimates can be set for how long an issue is expected to take.

  3. View Worklogs: Basic viewing of worklogs is possible, but deeper analysis requires additional steps.

For more comprehensive tracking and analysis, additional tools or plugins are often necessary.

Utilizing "Time Tracking and Estimation Report" Gadget

The "Time Tracking and Estimation Report" gadget, part of the "Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira" app, enhances Jira's capabilities by providing detailed insights into work progress and estimation accuracy at the assignee or project level.

Installing the App

  1. Visit the Atlassian Marketplace: Go to the Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira page.

  2. Choose Your Jira Version: Ensure you select the correct version for your Jira instance (Cloud, Server, or Data Center).

  3. Install the App: Click on "Get it now" or "Try it free" to add it to your Jira.

Adding and Configuring the Gadget

  1. Navigate to Your Dashboard: In Jira, click on 'Dashboards' in the top menu and select the relevant dashboard.

  2. Edit the Dashboard: Use the 'Edit' option to modify the dashboard.

  3. Add the Gadget: Click on 'Add Gadget' and find the "Time Tracking and Estimation Report" gadget.

  4. Configure the Gadget:

    • Once added, configure it to display data for specific projects, assignees, or timeframes.

    • Set parameters to compare logged time against original estimates.

  5. Save and Analyze: Save your configuration and use the gadget to analyze work progress and estimation accuracy.

Benefits of the "Time Tracking and Estimation Report" Gadget

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Provides a detailed view of time logged by each assignee against their estimates.

  • Estimation Accuracy: This helps in understanding how accurate the estimations are compared to the actual time spent.

  • Improving Productivity: Identifies areas where estimations can be improved and where resources might be reallocated for better efficiency.

Accurate tracking of work progress and estimation accuracy is crucial for project success in Jira. While Jira’s native features offer basic time tracking, the "Time Tracking and Estimation Report" gadget from the "Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira" app significantly elevates this capability. By leveraging this tool, teams can gain deeper insights into each assignee's work progress and the accuracy of their time estimations, leading to more informed project management and enhanced productivity.

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