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How to Manage Multiple Projects Using Reports and Jira Dashboards

Managing multiple projects simultaneously in Jira can be challenging, especially when it comes to tracking progress, resource allocation, and overall performance. Effective use of reports and Jira dashboards is crucial in this scenario. While Jira offers various reporting and dashboard features, their scope can sometimes be limited when handling multiple projects. In such cases, the "Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira" app can be a game-changer. This article explores how to leverage Jira's capabilities and this app to efficiently manage multiple projects.

Utilizing Jira's Native Reporting Features

Jira provides several reporting tools that can be useful in managing multiple projects:

  1. Standard Reports: Jira offers a range of built-in reports like Burndown Charts, Sprint Reports, and Velocity Charts. However, these are generally limited to single projects.

  2. Dashboards and Gadgets: Jira dashboards can be customized with various gadgets to display key metrics across projects. Gadgets like the 'Filter Results' gadget can show issues from multiple projects based on certain criteria.

  3. JQL (Jira Query Language): JQL can be used to create detailed filters that fetch data across multiple projects. These filters can then be used in conjunction with dashboard gadgets for better visibility.

While these features provide a solid foundation, they may lack the depth required for complex multi-project management.

Enhancing Multi-Project Management with "Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira"

The "Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira" app offers enhanced reporting capabilities that are particularly beneficial for managing multiple projects.

Key Features of the App:

  1. Custom Reports: Create detailed reports tailored to your specific needs, which can include data from multiple projects.

  2. Advanced Charting Options: The app provides a variety of chart types that go beyond Jira’s standard offerings.

  3. Time in Status Reporting: Get insights into how long issues have been in certain statuses across different projects.

Installing the App

  1. Visit the Atlassian Marketplace: Navigate to the app's page.

  2. Choose the Correct Version: Select the version that corresponds to your Jira hosting type (Cloud, Server, or Data Center).

  3. Install: Click on "Get it now" or "Try it free" to integrate it into your Jira instance.

Leveraging the App for Multi-Project Management

  1. Create Customized Reports: Use the app to generate reports that consolidate data from various projects, providing a comprehensive overview.

  2. Visualize Data on Dashboards: Incorporate these reports into Jira dashboards using the app's charting gadgets for a centralized view of all projects.

  3. Regular Monitoring: Regularly update and review these dashboards to keep track of progress, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions.

Managing multiple projects in Jira requires a combination of Jira’s native features and enhanced tools like the "Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira" app. By effectively utilizing Jira dashboards with custom reports and advanced charting options provided by the app, project managers can gain a more holistic view of their projects’ status and progress. This approach not only simplifies the complexity associated with multi-project management but also ensures more accurate tracking and efficient project execution.

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