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Gadget Configuration

Gadget type - select what field to group the data by, or display an aggregate in case of overview type. Custom fields are also supported of the type - string, date, user, or option.

Estimation type

All dashboard gadgets support all 3 types of estimations:

  • issue count

  • story points

  • time tracking

The overview dashboard gadget shows all types if available.

Resolution and Status

With default settings, the gadget displays how many issues are resolved (have their resolution set). But this can be configured to include issues in a certain status if the “Count issues with Done status as resolved…“ checkbox is set.

Additionally, the status categories (Done, In Progress, To Do) progress bar can always be shown if the “Always show stacket bars…“ checkbox is set.

JQL filter

Data supplied to the app can be filtered using JQL filters, with the gadget supplying some JQL presets. If you are running Jira Cloud and want to use Adaptavist ScriptRunner JQL functions you should save them and use them as synchronized filters instead via JQL - filter = “enter name or id of the filter“

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