Available Burndown Gadgets
Gadget types
There are 4 types of dashboard gadgets available:
Sprint burndown - shows sprint burndown chart. Sprint data is supplied by specifying the JQL filter and might include multiple sprints, you can specify to show each sprint on a separate graph or show a combined graph.
Sprint burnup - burnup version of the sprint burndown chart.
Filter (epic, version, or custom JQL) burndown - shows burndown chart for issues specified by JQL filter. This can be used to display epic, version, or release charts. Any finite collection of issues, that gets resolved when time passes can produce this chart.
Filter (epic, version, or custom JQL) burnup - burnup version of the filter burndown chart.
All graphs include total ideal and real graphs in addition to individual (assignee) graphs.
Note, that these reports include finally committed issues and do not show scope changes. Finally committed scope is shown. The app counts issues as completed when the issue resolution (JQL - resolution is not empty) gets set, regardless of the status of the issue is in.
Estimation types
Supported estimation types:
Issue count
Story points